Vincent Mosco’s Critical-Humanist Political Economy of Communication

  • Christian Fuchs Paderborn University, Department of Media Studies: Media Systems and Media Organisation Research Group
Keywords: Vincent Mosco, Political Economy of Communication, Critical Humanism


Vincent Mosco (1948-2024) grounded and advanced the approach of the Political Economy of Communication (PEC). This paper discusses some aspects of his Critical-Humanist approach to the Political Economy of Communication: It engages with the foundations of Vincent Mosco’s thought; the roles that labour and communication play in it; his focus on Karl Marx and Marxian scholarship, culture, ideology critique, the digital sublime, democracy, the media, and the public good. Vincent Mosco’s life and work will be remembered. His approach will shape future generations of activist-scholars.

A video version of some aspects of this paper that Christian Fuchs presented at an online event that remembered Vincent Mosco's works can be watched here.


Author Biography

Christian Fuchs, Paderborn University, Department of Media Studies: Media Systems and Media Organisation Research Group

Christian Fuchs is a critical theorist of communication and society. 
URL:, Twitter @fuchschristian

Reflections (Non Peer-Reviewed)