Towards a New Science of Information
Science of Information, Physical Sciences, Information Science, Transdisciplinary, Meta discipline, and New Academic Discipline
This paper suggests a New Information Paradigm and recommends the establishment of a new academic and scientific discipline to be titled "Science of Information", built on a premise that information is also a major part of all the universes, elements, systems, and conditions. Therefore, it is also an integral part of all the other individual disciplines and sciences. It is essential to look beyond the limitations of how humans use and perceive information, or even how other living organisms use information. It is proposed that information is a continuous evolving process, that exists in some simple to complex form in every stage of development, across all scientific and academic domains, as well as being a significant part of everything that exists. Information is a trigger mechanism, emphasis and nutrient, not only for information activities itself but also all physical, and biological elements, systems and activities. Each existing discipline has within it a significant core Informational Element, which helps formulate and define that discipline. The Science of Information will bring together these core information elements in order to correlate, compare and assemble a combined theoretical base. This new discipline should be established as a meta-discipline. It should exist equally with traditional discipline categories such as physical, social science, arts, and humanities. It should not compete with or replace other disciplines. It should stand alongside them and assist them, as well as conduct comparisons and consolidations amongst multiple disciplines regarding information theories, methodologies, practices, by adding new perspectives, resources and developments.
Special Issue: Towards a New Science of Information
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