The Flâneur, the Badaud and Empathetic Worker

  • Ekaterina Petrovna Netchitailova Sheffield Hallam University
Keywords: Flâneur, Badaud, Empathetic worker, Facebook user, critical media/cultural studies, capitalism, affective labour


In this paper, based on the development of the ‘empathic’ badaud in France at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries, I draw some parallels with a Facebook user. The experience of Facebook’s users is explored through the juxtaposition of two terms: the flâneur and the badaud, and a third term is proposed, the one of an empathetic worker, by applying critical media/cultural studies.

Author Biography

Ekaterina Petrovna Netchitailova, Sheffield Hallam University
PhD student at Sheffield Hallam University, Department of development and Society, Faculty of Sociology.Studying Facebook by using critical studies of communication and the concept of popular culture. My research focuses both on the macro-context and the micro (the view of the user)